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PT Lingkar Inovasi Muda

Full Stack Developer  

PT Lingkar Inovasi Muda

  • North Jakarta, Indonesia
    North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
    North Jakarta
    DKI Jakarta
  • Penuh waktuFULL_TIME

Berakhir 7 months ago


Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Currently LIM is preparing itself for a better stage, therefore we are opening ourselves to those of you who want to develop with us. If you are interested in the world of technology, and already have basics such as:

  • Strong in Object Oriented Programming
  • Basic PHP, Java, Kotlin, Golang, Swift (You don't have to be able to know all, but plus points if you know more than one of it)
  • Or at least familiar with Laravel Framework

And also, we will not take into account your educational attainment or which university you graduated from, if you really have a strong desire to develop and learn. We are ready to be your place to improve your self.

Kualifikasi Minimum

  • Strong analytical and planning skills;
  • Good communication and presentation skills;
  • Excellent problem-solving skills
  • Has desire to learn something new
  • Strong in Object Oriented Programming
  • Basic PHP, Java, Kotlin, Golang, Swift (You don't have to be able to know all, but plus points if you know more than one of it)
  • Or at least familiar with Laravel Framework

Fasilitas dan Tunjangan

  • Work from HomeWork from Home

Ringkasan Perkerjaan

Tingkat Posisi
Lulusan Baru / Junior
IT and Software
Persyaratan tingkat pendidikan
Lulus SMA
Respon rekruter ke lamaran
Once in a while
Alamat Kantor
North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2 lowongan dibuka

Agar merasa aman saat melamar: carilah ikon verifikasi dan selalu lakukan riset terhadap Perusahaan yang Anda lamar. Hindari dan laporkan situasi dimana Perusahaan membutuhkan bayaran dalam proses rekrutmen mereka.

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