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Baybayin Hub Inc.

Digital Nomad Weekend Fest 2023 | La Union | Day 2  

Baybayin Hub Inc.

  • Pasay City, Philippines
    GF, 552, Protacio Ext, Barangay 126, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines
    Pasay City
    Metro Manila
  • Penuh waktuFULL_TIME

Berakhir a year ago


Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Do you want to expand your network and learn the latest tips and trends in the industry
with Online Entrepreneurs, Digital Professionals, Creatives, Freelancers, Remote Workers, Digital Nomads, and Startup Founders? Join us n our 1st DIGITAL NOMAD WEEKEND FEST 2023

WHERE: Baybayin Hub Coworking Space San Juan La Union and Baybayin Hub Baroro La Union
TIME: 10 AM to 5 PM
DATE: June 18, 2023
SPEAKERS: To be announced every day on our FB Page

Come join us for our upcoming 1st Digital Nomad Weekend Fest and make valuable and meaningful connections for your personal, career, and business, success! We have an amazing lineup of speakers who will share their real-life experiences and provide invaluable advice.

Secure your place today and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to enhance yourself or expand your business!

Please click the APPLY button and RSVP today. Hurry, as slots are limited!

FREE ADMISSION to the first 50 face-to-face or live attendees.

Kualifikasi Minimum


June 18, 2023 - DAY 2 - SUNDAY

  • 9:00 AM Registration: Baybayin Hub San Juan Coworking Space( if the weather there’s heavy rain we will transfer to Baybayin Hub Baroro Bacnotan La Union because we have a bigger and better indoor ser-up)
  • 10:00 AM: Opening or Welcome Remarks
  • 10:05 AM Introduction of Speaker Dan Meyer from the U.S
  • 10:45 AM Introduction of Speaker ( BA) Power of AI, Blockchain, Crypto
  • 11:35 AM Q & A Panel/Fireside Chat
  • 1:00 PM Creative Talks
  • 1:30 PM Q & A
  • 1:45 PM Women Empowerment - Business, Independent, Nomadic
  • 2:20 PM Q & A
  • 2:25 PM Health and Wellness Talks
  • 2: 45 PM Q & A
  • 2:50 PM Break - Music- Fun Activities
  • 4:00 PM Swimming Networking

Ringkasan Perkerjaan

Tingkat Posisi
Lulusan Baru / Junior
General Services
Persyaratan tingkat pendidikan
Lulus program Diploma (D3)
Respon rekruter ke lamaran
Alamat Kantor
552, Protacio Ext, Barangay 126
50 lowongan dibuka

Agar merasa aman saat melamar: carilah ikon verifikasi dan selalu lakukan riset terhadap Perusahaan yang Anda lamar. Hindari dan laporkan situasi dimana Perusahaan membutuhkan bayaran dalam proses rekrutmen mereka.

Tentang Baybayin Hub Inc.

BAYBAYIN HUB is specifically designed for Digital Nomads, Remote Workers and Online Entrepreneurs. Most local and international Digital Nomads, Remote Workers and Online Entrepreneurs would like to work and stay in hotels or resorts. But they care about the price of the hotels and resorts which is one of the highest costs when traveling.

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