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Customer Service Representative (CSR)  


  • West Jakarta, Indonesia
    Rukan Taman Meruya Ilir N-42, West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
    West Jakarta
  • Penuh waktuFULL_TIME

Berakhir a year ago


Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Maintain contact with clients to obtain customer feedback regarding product/service quality
  • Assist clients in resolving issues and complaints concerning purchased products or services
  • Contact potential buyers to offer new products
  • Provide periodic reports to management on all activities

Kualifikasi Minimum

  • Experienced in customer relationship management
  • Good communication skills. Adept at interacting with customers to identify and help meet their desires.
  • Good problem-solving skills. Able to develop and implement solutions necessary to ensure increased patronage and customer satisfaction
  • Excellent persuasion skills. Able to offer new products to potential buyers

Fasilitas dan Tunjangan

  • Free Lunch or SnacksFree Lunch or Snacks
  • Transportation AllowancesTransportation Allowances
  • Performance BonusPerformance Bonus
  • Medical / Health InsuranceMedical / Health Insurance
  • Maternity & Paternity LeaveMaternity & Paternity Leave

Keahlian yang diperlukan

  • Telephone Skills
  • Relationship Management
  • Persuasion and Negotiation
  • Customer Service
  • Communication Skills

Ringkasan Perkerjaan

Tingkat Posisi
Lulusan Baru / Junior
Customer Service
Persyaratan tingkat pendidikan
Lulus program Sarjana (S1)
Respon rekruter ke lamaran
Alamat Kantor
Rukan Taman Meruya Ilir N-42
Information Technology / IT
2 lowongan dibuka

Agar merasa aman saat melamar: carilah ikon verifikasi dan selalu lakukan riset terhadap Perusahaan yang Anda lamar. Hindari dan laporkan situasi dimana Perusahaan membutuhkan bayaran dalam proses rekrutmen mereka.

Tentang AIMSIS

AIMSIS | ACADEMIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN SCHOOLS Connecting Parents with Teachers, while automating Teacher's administrative tasks.

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