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Kompas Gramedia

Hub Supervisor at Gramedia x Sekolah Murid Merdeka  

Kompas Gramedia

  • Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
    15, RT01/RW02, Jalan Palmerah Barat, Gelora Kel., Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
    Jakarta Pusat
    DKI Jakarta
  • Penuh waktuFULL_TIME

Berakhir 4 months ago


Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Ensure Customer Satisfaction: Make sure all Students/ Parentsa re satisfied with Hub service, Responsible as one of the communication channels of Hub with parents/prospective parents of students, information on activities at Hub, and information and promotions of SMM & Sekolah. mu.

Partners Relation (hub owner, supplier, program provider): Coordination with academics and class teachers regarding students issues and developments in the class, Be an evaluators for teachers performance at the Hub

Hub Operations & Performance: Ensure and monitor operational activities run smoothly.

Business of hub (profitability/revenue & cost): Create initiatives and activities on the Hub in order to achieve revenue and targeted number of students, Evaluate monthly cost

Kualifikasi Minimum

  1. Min. D3/ S1
  2. Have experience in managing programs/organizations, preferably in the field of education/education.

List Hub:

  • SMM Harapan Indah - Bekasi
  • SMM Galuh Mas - Karawang
  • SMM BSD City - Tangerang Selatan
  • SMM Kotabaru - Yogyakarta
  • SMM Margonda - Depok
  • SMM Matraman - Jakarta Timur
  • SMM Cipto Mangunkusumo - Cirebon
  • SMM CBD Emerald Bintaro - Tangerang Selatan

Keahlian yang diperlukan

  • Creative Thinking
  • Organizing and Planning
  • Relationship Management
  • Sales and Marketing Knowledge
  • Business Analysis
  • Time Management
  • Leadership skills

Ringkasan Perkerjaan

Tingkat Posisi
Supervisor / Asisten Manager
Administration and Coordination
Persyaratan tingkat pendidikan
Lulus program Sarjana (S1)
Respon rekruter ke lamaran
Once in a while
Alamat Kantor
Jalan Palmerah Barat 29, RT04/RW02, Gelora Kel., Tanah Abang, Jakarta, 10270, Indonesia
Media Production
8 lowongan dibuka

Agar merasa aman saat melamar: carilah ikon verifikasi dan selalu lakukan riset terhadap Perusahaan yang Anda lamar. Hindari dan laporkan situasi dimana Perusahaan membutuhkan bayaran dalam proses rekrutmen mereka.

Tentang Kompas Gramedia

Kompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to enlight all the people in Indonesia with all the knowledge we have.

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