Zark's Food Ventures Corp.

Zark's Food Ventures Corp.

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About Zark's Food Ventures Corp.

IT'S FRESH. IT'S HUGE. IT'S GREAT. That's the formula that made us the li'l burger joint that could. That's how we grew from a 20-seat, hole-in-the-wall with a three-man crew in 2009 to a seven-branch joint with a total of 500 seats ... and counting. It all started with Zark and his rage at bland, fast-food burgers. Nobody wants to be in the dark when it comes to the stuff we chomp on! Zark has always loved huge, greasy burgers. And he knew that was everyone's guilty secret. So he decided to share the joy... humongous burgers made from scratch and made to order. Zark's -- we're not just a food joint. We're a community of foodies who know what we want and dare to eat it! See a thousand of us happily lining up round the block during the famous Jawbreaker Day! Witness our famous food challenges, including The Tombstone, the baddest of the bad, so bad you need to sign a waiver. Visit our strong Facebook community; read our burger rhapsodies and understand why we grew so fast on pure word-of-mouth. It's Fresh. It's Huge. It's Great. Life without bacon is a life not worth living. Not all burgers are created equal. The Greasier, The Better!
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