Tessellate Digital Services

Tessellate Digital Services

Office Address

Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines




About Tessellate Digital Services

Our goal is to be the intermediary and the clip to the apparent disconnect of offline business to the revolution of Digital Technology. Tessellate wants to transition you to #Change4Today - The Era of Digital. As a Digital Solutions Provider, Tessellate will disrupt usual operations, sales and marketing strategies to help you fully Digitize your Business. Your business may have a brick-and-mortar, may be an e-commerce or both. Tessellate will help you quantify your Marketing Efforts, optimize your most prized projects and spend less on junk campaigns. Say no more to unquantifiable advertising. Let's make your name Resonate. #Change4Today and go Tessellate! TESSELLATE: Make your name resonate! http://www.tessellateph.com We are a group of driven and enthusiastic young professionals with a passion for marketing. Our mission is to bring out the full potential of each brand or business by helping our clients connect and communicate to their target market through a combination of different marketing strategies and promotions. Our services include, but are not limited to, the following: - digital marketing - social media marketing - content writing - content and graphics creation - website management - media advertising (TV, print, radio, etc.) - out-of-home advertising (prime billboard placements, bannering, mobile billboards, etc.) - events and sponsorships - promos and contests creation - partnerships - loyalty and rewards programs - business consultation - customized business and marketing services (as requested)
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