Burda Principal Investments

Burda Principal Investments

Office Address

52 Boat Quay #04-01


About Burda Principal Investments

Burda Principal Investments (BPI), a division of Hubert Burda Media, provides long term growth equity for fast growing digital technology and media companies. Hubert Burda Media is one of Europe’s largest media and technology conglomerates with a strong investment track record in internet-centric businesses. BPI has been a partner for visionary entrepreneurs, leveraging Burda’s capital, brands and sector expertise, particularly in the areas of business expansion, internationalization and localization. BPI is invested in a portfolio of highly successful consumer internet companies in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. The current BPI portfolio includes: Vinted, Zilingo, Bloom & Wild, Carsome, Baublebar and M.Gemi. In the past, Hubert Burda Media has invested in internet platforms such as Etsy, zooplus or Xing AG. BPI is run by a dedicated team of investment professionals based in New York, Munich, London and Singapore.
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