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AXA Mandiri Financial Services - FA Recruitment

Financial Advisor - Area Papua (Sorong, Jayapura)  

AXA Mandiri Financial Services - FA Recruitment

  • Jayapura, Indonesia
    AXA Tower, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia, Jalan Prof. Dr. Satrio, Karet Kuningan Kel., Setiabudi
  • Full timeFULL_TIME

Expired a year ago

Job closed.

Job Description

Financial Advisor (FA) adalah perencana keuangan nasabah. Financial Advisor memiliki peran penting sebagai ujung tombak perusahaan yang mencakup layanan sales dan service. Sales dimana Financial Advisor bertugas untuk merencanakan, dan memasarkan produk asuransi sesuai dengan kebutuhan nasabah sedangkan Service dimana FA juga berperan dalam pelayanan klaim ataupun komplain asuransi dari nasabah AXA Mandiri. Financial Advisor (FA) nantinya akan ditempatkan di cabang Bank Mandiri.

Minimum Qualifications


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 dari semua jurusan
  • Memiliki teknik komunikasi yang baik
  • Tertarik dalam bidang Perbankan dan Asuransi
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah cabang Bank Mandiri area Papua


  • New FA Fundamental Training
  • Tunjangan selama mengikuti pelatihan
  • Insentif Bulanan
  • Komisi yang menjanjikan dan tidak terbatas
  • Bonus Kemitraan
  • Tunjangan Kesehatan
  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
  • Kepemilikan tablet untuk FA (50%)
  • Management Development Program untuk FA > 1 tahun yang memenuhi syarat perusahaan

Jobs Summary

Job Level
Associate / Supervisor
Job Category
Sales and Marketing
Educational Requirement
Bachelor's degree graduate
Recruiter response to application
Once in a while
Office Address
Jalan Prof. Dr. Satrio, Karet Kuningan Kel., Setiabudi
50 openings

Feel secure when applying: look for the verified icon and always do your research on a company. Avoid and report situations when employers require payment or work without compensation as part of their application process.

About AXA Mandiri Financial Services - FA Recruitment

PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services (AXA Mandiri) is a joint venture between PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk and AXA, which is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). AXA Mandiri is able to maintain its position as a leader in the bancassurance distribution channel with 17 percent and telemarketing by 26.7 percent market share based on data from the Association of Indonesian Life Insurance in Q3 2017. AXA Mandiri runs bancassurance business model has in-branch, telemarketing and corporate distribution channels supported by more than 2,300 Financial Advisors in more than 1,300 Bank Mandiri branches and 200 Bank Syariah Mandiri branches across Indonesia, and also more than 500 Telesales Officers in telemarketing and corporate lines. AXA Mandiri has also leveraged the digital world for online product sales, as well as providing after sales service to customers. AXA Mandiri has earned several awards including Top Brand Award of Life Insurance Company category by Marketing Magazine, Top Agent Bancassurance in the Top Agent Award of Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia 2016, Contact Center Service Excellent Award 2017, Infobank Syariah Award 2017 for financial performance during 2016, Indonesia Most Trusted Company 2017, and other awards.

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