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Philippine Red Cross

Consultant | Youth Ignite Agents of Change- Project in Surigao Del Norte-Mindanao Philippines  

Philippine Red Cross

  • undefined,
    37 EDSA corner Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
  • Toàn thời gianFULL_TIME

Đã hết hạn 8 years ago

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1. Background/overview of the project

Philippine Red Cross in collaboration with the Netherlands Red Cross has launched a 3 year (2016-2018) integrated ‘Youth ignite: Agents of Change ’ project in Surigao Del Norte- Mindanao region. The Overall Goal of the project is to enable youth cope with the impact and consequences of armed conflict and are thus adding to the overall resilience of the community.

The project is funded through the 3FM Serious Request campaign-in Netherlands and incorporates aspects of psychosocial wellbeing, livelihood, education and skills training and integrated risk management (IRM). The project will also be evaluated more extensively through a research about the projects impact that will function as a ‘case study’ for the 3fm serious request programme ‘this next generation’.

The project targets youth from 15 to 25 years old (Direct beneficiaries) in the municipalities of Alegria, Bacuag, Gigaquit, Malimono and Surigao City in the Province of Surigao del Norte -Mindanao. Other secondary groups that have direct influence on youth such as their schools, teachers and principals and their parents/guardians will also be involved in the implementation of the project. Interventions will target out of school and students from the secondary level – Grades 9 and 10.

Youth in schools and communities will be given an opportunity to develop themselves to be able to reach their maximum potential. Youth beneficiaries will be trained as advocates of change using the Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) approach. The YABC approach will be integrated in the various trainings to be given to the youth.

A baseline survey is planned for and will be required to inform the Project Log frame, Project monitoring, evaluation plan and ultimately inform the design of the impact study in the long run. The team will try to incorporate the baseline that will be done for the project with the baseline that will be done for the research. To have baseline data that can be used for a study, the team will work together with a consultant and the NLRC PME officer.

2 Purpose of the Consultancy:

The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) and The Philippines Red Cross Society (PRCS) are seeking a consultant to:

  • Initiate and write a research plan for a longitudinal Impact Study for the ‘3fm This NEXT generation’ project in the Philippines.

  • Support in quantitative data gathering to establish benchmark information on all project indicators to set a basis for measuring project success and progress towards the set objectives at midline and end line stage of the project.

  1. Purpose and intended use of the effect study

The youth in armed conflict project in the Philippines is part of a the larger NLRC ‘This Next Generation’ programme in which combined strategies such as psychosocial support, education and livelihood, are believed to contribute considerably to make youth in conflict more resilient. The project in the Philippines aims specifically to enhance the personal and economic development of youth in order to cope with the impact and consequences of armed conflict.

Youth in schools and communities will be given an opportunity to develop themselves to be able to reach their maximum potential. We also aim for the youth beneficiaries to be advocates of change through the Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) initiative. The YABC approach will be integrated in the various trainings to be given to the youth.

  1. Purpose and intended use of the baseline:

a) Set baseline figures about the current status of the project’s impact and outcome indicators as specified in the log frame.

b) Gather information that will be used to re-define project indicators, and set realistic performance targets to measure the effects of interventions on, outcome and impact level of the project in the long run.

c) NLRC PME advisor and the project team will be responsible for gathering relevant qualitative information that can be used to understand the target groups and the implementation context better so as to be able to design implementation approaches and strategies that are appropriate and tailor made.

3. Stakeholders and lines of communication

The Netherlands Red Cross commissions the consultancy in collaboration with the Philippines Red Cross to assess the impact of the strategies chosen. Other possible parties involved are local DepEd – Division of Surigao del Norte Local Government of Surigao del Norte, ICRC, IFRC, TESDA, Council for the Welfare of Children, Municipal Agricultural Office, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office and the Department of Social Welfare and Services.

The impact study itself fits into the overall PME of the project and the consultant will need to work together with NLRC PME staff and PRCS project staff to incorporate the study in the Baseline study, mid Term Review and End-line study of the project which will also incorporate, Focus Group Discussions, Key Stakeholder Interviews and a RAMP survey.

4. Context

The project aims to enhance the personal and economic development of youth in order to cope with the impact and consequences of armed conflict. Youth in schools and communities will be given an opportunity to develop themselves to be able to reach their maximum potential. We also aim for the youth beneficiaries to be advocates of change through the Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) initiative. The YABC approach will be integrated in the various trainings to be given to the youth.

Armed conflict poses a huge threat to the lives of young people. It affects education, social welfare, economic development and exacerbates and prolongs unemployment. Lack of employment opportunities and social safety nets generate tension and leave civilians with limited options for a sustainable livelihood. According to the Department of Education, there is an increasing rate of students who drop-out from school with one of the main reasons being the presence of armed conflict. At present, insufficient opportunities exist for young people to earn a living, subsequently heightening their chance of facing poverty and turning to illicit activities. Youth in armed conflict face numerous serious struggles in their daily lives. They struggle with the threats of poverty, armed conflict and natural hazards that result in psychological and emotional distress and affects their perception of life. Increasing number of youths tends to focus more on surviving rather than prioritizing their education.

Safeguarding the youths’ future warrants a new approach; addressing and understanding two very important interrelated variables, namely education and development. Root causes of vulnerability – lack of education opportunities, armed conflict, poverty, and access on basic needs and services - result in negative impacts on economic opportunities and general well-being and hinders the capacity of the youth to develop meaningful, safe and resilient lives. Guarding and ensuring the education and development of the future generation in spite several disaster risks they are facing includes assessing the susceptibility and resilience of communities in facing natural and human induced hazards in a changing environment.

Ecosystem degradation due to man-made activities in combination with natural hazards, exacerbated by climate change, is limiting the livelihood opportunities for vulnerable people in the selected communities. With limited livelihood prospects for young people, many youths can easily be lured into joining rebel factions with the promises of food and money.

CARAGA Region is one of the poorest region in the Philippines and belonged to the bottom five of the Net Enrolment Rate and Poverty Incidence of 2001-2006 on both primary and secondary study. The region has continuously experienced uprising and insurgencies from the guerrilla movement based there. Surigao del Norte, which has a total population of 442,588 persons in the May 2010 census is one of the five provinces in the CARAGA Region. Along with this, the population is very young with a median age in 2010 of 22.8 years. The province continues to face armed conflict in several of their municipalities.

This project targets different groups of beneficiaries since it aims to reach the youth, their schools, teachers and principals and their parents/guardians. However, the targets at impact level are mainly the students from the Province of Surigao del Norte, particularly students from the secondary level – Grades 9 and 10 students.

The total number of the enrolees based on the School year 2014-2015 is 6, 930 students from Grades 9 to 10 in 5 of the 21 municipalities in Surigao del Norte province. A percentage of these enrolees will be identified to be the project beneficiaries from the master list of the DepEd. Total number of secondary students in the province is 35, 317.

5 Purpose and intended use

The Red Cross wants to be accountable to it’s donors to the extend that it is a learning organization that evaluates it’s impact where possible and tries to continuously improve it’s ways of working

The purpose of this consultancy is to help NLRC and PRCS to gather high quality statistical baseline data as well as provide these partners with a research plan to measure effects of interventions.

The underlying purpose of this impact study is to further develop the (RAMP Rapid Assessment Using Mobile Phones) toolbox and provide the NLRC and its partner with a possible framework to assess impact in future projects.

6. Scope

The scope of this consultancy is twofold.:

1. Design an impact study and gather essential baseline data for this study and thus giving insight in the extend to which over projects main goals (Youth are able to cope with the impact and consequences of armed conflict and are thus adding to the overall resilience of the community.) is achieved and to which extend this achievement can be attibted to one or more interventions.

2. Gather baseline figures relating to the indicators (see annex 1) that measure the specific objectives or the outcomes of the project.

The specific objectives of achieving this overall objective are:

  1. Youth have increased personal resilience and adopted coping strategies that help them overcome (psychosocial) trauma

  2. Youth have increased sustainable economic opportunities through improved access to education and skills training

  3. The communities in Surigao Del Norte are better equipped to support and engage youth to participate in the community, like through participation in Youth Councils, and create an enabling environment for youth to develop themselves

  4. Youth live in a more protective environment due to adaptation of integrated risk management approach

It is proposed that the impact study focuses on the causal relationship between a couple of key project outputs that lead to the projects outcomes (protective environment, improved and education, psychosocial support and access to labour market) and the achievement of the projects impact indicator:

% of (more at risk) young people that recovered from post-conflict traumatic stress, are educated (a formal qualification) and generates (x) amount of income.

7. Key questions for the effect study

To what extend have one or more interventions led to a youth population (that would otherwise be vulnerable) that has overcome trauma, is better educated and has higher a income then before. .

8. Methodology

The baseline methodology should be designed in such a way that it sufficiently gathers data on the project indicators / variables from a cross-section of respondents. The baseline survey should be done for a cross-section of youths fulfilling beneficiary selection criteria, and key informants (youth, local authorities/sector department staff, community welfare officers, and CSOs).

Red Cross / Red Crescent societies and in particular the NLRC and PRCS have experience in doing two stage cluster surveys with mobile devices in other complex situation with the RAMP toolkit[1]. These type of surveys that are mostly conducted in cooperation with Red Cross PMER staff have proven to provide very useful and provide precise baseline data that helps staff in project implementation. The current sampling tools however do not give guidance for randomization or any other type of quasi experimental design that gives more insight in causal relations.

The consultant will design a randomized control trial if circumstances allow this or a quasi experimental design such as propensity score matching if circumstances do not allow for experimental randomization.

In the initiation phase of the project the consultant will work together with project staff and NLRC PME advisor in conducting a formative research that will provide the necessary input. For more specific information on qualitative methodologies to be used in the baseline see annex 2.

The consultant will also propose data quality checks at: preparation stage, data collection, data processing and analysis, and report production.

9. Expected deliverables, required output and planning

  • Advise on needs in a formative research to inform the effect study and training of staff and enumerators for quantitative data gathering

  • An inception report that includes a refined methodology, Data collection tools, work plan as agreed on with Philippine Red Cross in discussions following award of contract

  • A research proposal for an effect study with a clear interpretation of the TORs, purpose and scope, work plan, budget (in Philippine Pesos) and proposed (statistical) methodoly that will be used to collect baseline data on the above indicators.

  • Draft baseline report that will be presented to Philippine Red Cross and other relevant stakeholders for input/feedback and validation of baseline data to enrich the final report.

  • Final report with relevant information approved by Philippine Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross in hard copies and electronic copies. The report should clearly present a summary of all indicators and baseline values for the respective indicators.

  • A power point presentation or other type of visualization, a soft copy and 2 hard copies of the full report of the final findings from the baseline assessment.

10 Management and Supervision of the Assignment

The consultant shall report directly to the PRC Red Cross Youth Manager through the National Project Coordinator but will also receive inputs from the Technical team of Netherlands Red Cross (Particularly The PME Advisor, Regional Programme Coordinator/Officer, Community Resilience and Livelihood Advisor and Livelihood Delegate based in the Project area.

11. Expected workload & timeline


Number of days

Preparation and reading (basic documents) 2

Advise on needs in a formative research to inform questionnaires 2

Desk study & design of study (analysis existing data and formative research data) 4

Training staff and enumerators 4

Baseline survey 4

Writing Baseline report 2

Present report and next steps with staff 2

Total working days 20 days

12. Profile of the consultant

0.1 Education

a) University degree
b) Qualification in economics, sociology, development studies or a related area

0.2 Experience

a) Experience working for RCRC or other humanitarian organization
b) Experience with evaluating projects and specifically statistical methods
c) Experience with working together with project staff in the field

0.3 Skills

a) Fluency in English language (and other language specifically required)
b) Ability to write concise, yet comprehensive reports
c) Excellent interpersonal skills
d) Ability to work effectively in intercultural settings
e) Ability to meet deadlines
f) Self-supporting in working with computers (word-processing, spread sheets, statistical software)

0.4 Knowledge

a) Technical knowledge as required (e.g. volunteer management, health promotion, organisational development)
b) Knowledge of donor criteria and policies
c) Knowledge of the country/region

13. Payment details

The total payment for the baseline project formulation process will be net of tax, to include costs such personnel and meeting costs, and overhead costs among others. The cost of the baseline study shall be paid by the Netherlands Red Cross through the Philippine Red Cross in accordance with its rules and regulations, with the timing and schedule of payment as follows:



1st Payment 30% Upon signing of contract / Terms of Reference

2nd Payment 30% Upon submission and acceptance of 1st baseline draft report

3rd Payment 40% Upon submission and acceptance by PRC of the final end of project Baseline report

14. Application process:

Interested Consultants will be expected to provide the following documentation:

  • Detailed technical proposal in response to TOR, with specific focus on interpretation of TORs, , methodology, budget and work plan

  • Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references

  • Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates and initial work plan

Above mentioned documents have to be sent to Philippine Red Cross – National Headquarters in a sealed envelope before COB on ______. Please indicate in the envelope the subject: Baseline Survey for YIAC. Address to:


Human Resources Department

37 EDSA cor. Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City



9th F, Red Cross Youth Department

37 EDSA cor. Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

15. Key reference documents

  • Youth Ignite: Agents of Change project documents

  • Other documents as shall be agreed upon by the team during the inception meeting

Annex 1: Impact and Outcome indicators from the logical framework

The baseline study should generate qualitative and quantitative data on the following project outcome and impact indicators.

  1. Youth have increased personal resilience and adopted coping strategies that help them overcome (psychosocial) trauma


  1. % of target beneficiaries report increased wellbeing and coping capacities as a result of PSS sessions

  2. % of target beneficiaries report increased accessibility of PSS

  3. Youth have increased sustainable economic opportunities through improved access to education and skills training


  1. Proportion of target population attending formal education

  2. Proportion of target population trained in vocational skills having found employment

  3. [number] new businesses started with micro-credit

  4. [number] of new jobs created

  1. The communities in Surigao Del Norte are better equipped to support and engage youth to participate in the community, like through participation in Youth Councils, and create an enabling environment for youth to develop themselves


3.1 % of target population engaged in community processes through RCY Councils

3.2 Proportion of target population indicating improved enabling environment for youth development

  1. Youth live in a more protective environment due to adaptation of integrated risk management approach


  1. % of target population engaged in IRM dissemination

[number] of target communities adapted and implemented local plans to include IRM

Annex 2: Methodology

The baseline methodology should be designed in such a way that it sufficiently gathers data on the project indicators / variables from a cross-section of respondents. The baseline survey should be done for a cross-section of youths fulfilling beneficiary selection criteria, and key informants (youth, local authorities/sector department staff, community welfare officers, and CSOs).

Ensure the Sampling criteria is representative, reliable and valid for data collection. This should be based on the selection of clusters (Barangays). A random sample of clusters/barangays is recommended as a (first-stage), and then interviews should be in sampled clusters but targeting youth beneficiaries and key informants (second stage) in each cluster. A cluster in this case should be the targeted Barangays in the project area. Your sample calculation should ensure the Puroks within the Barangays are equitably represented in the baseline survey. A sampling frame should be developed for each targeted Barangays with their corresponding number of youths from the whole operation area.

Clearly explain the formula that will be used to determine the appropriate sample size for the baseline survey within the project area and how the sample size will be apportioned within the Barangays.

In the absence of list of selected beneficiaries, the baseline team could sample from the general youth population that fit into the project beneficiary selection criteria.

Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)

Different FGD’s with topic lists with various groups for instance: members of the target population, teachers, youth workers, community members and parents. Focus Group Discussions should be used to collect primary data from male and female youths and households or caregivers. FGDs should be conducted by the team to explore the (why, how, where, who and what) behind different trends the project is focusing on. Copies of FGD guide for different categories of participants should also be attached to the Baseline survey proposal.

Key Informant Interviews (KIIs)

Structured, Semi-structured and open interview style might be used depending on the ‘research objects’. Purposive sampling will be used do identify key informants which might be: relevant local authority leaders, youth officers, CSOs, youth leaders at Barangay, Municipality and Province level. These interviews were guides must be annexed to the baseline survey proposal. Members of the target population might also be interviewed as they can often be considered as ‘gate keepers’ of the target populatio

Trình độ tối thiểu

The consultant should present in the appendix of the technical baseline proposal, data collection methods and tools for the different categories of respondents. The Consultant is also expected to collect secondary data through review of project documents such as project proposal, log frame for the project, Province/Barangay Development Plans and evaluation reports of similar projects. The review of these documents is expected to aid the Consultant to understand project background, objectives and approaches. It will also help the Consultant to prepare relevant survey tools based on key performance indicators of the project.

Propose data quality checks at: preparation stage, data collection, data processing and analysis, and report production. Overall, the approach entailed working closely with Philippine Red Cross team at critical stages of the Baseline survey.

Đặc quyền và lợi ích

  • Paid Sick LeavePaid Sick Leave
  • Maternity & Paternity LeaveMaternity & Paternity Leave
  • Paid Vacation LeavePaid Vacation Leave
  • Life InsuranceLife Insurance
  • Medical / Health InsuranceMedical / Health Insurance

Khóa học ưa thích

  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Development Studies

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Nhà tuyển dụng trả lời hồ sơ
Địa chỉ văn phòng
37 EDSA corner Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
Ngành nghề
Non-Profit / Volunteering
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1 vị trí tuyển dụng mới
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Về Philippine Red Cross

The Philippine Red Cross has a long and proud history of offering humanitarian services around the country with its origins dating back to 1899. The organization was formally recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross and admitted to the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (now known at the Federation) in 1947. As the premier humanitarian organization in the country the Philippine Red Cross is committed to providing timely, efficient and responsive humanitarian services to the most vulnerable.

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