Staff Pendukung Transaksi Kas Kantor Wilayah VII Denpasar
PT. Pegadaian
- Denpasar, Indonesia23C, Jalan Raya Puputan, Sumerta Kelod Kel., Denpasar Timur, Denpasar, Bali, IndonesiaDenpasarBaliIndonesiaIndonesia
- Full timeFULL_TIME
Expired 3 years ago
2022-04-24T16:00:00+00:00Job closed.
Job Description
- Melaksanakan penerimaan dan pengeluaan uang atas transaksi produk maupun opeasional di unit kerjanya sesuai kewenangannya berdasarkan Panduan Pelayanan atau ketentuan (SOP) lain yang berlaku;
- Melakukan perhitungan, pencatatan dan administrasi dokumen atau bukti transaksi lainnya atas penerimaan dan pengeluaran uang yang dikelolanya sesuai dengan ketentuan (SOP) lain yang berlaku;
- Melaksanakan pengambilan dan penyetoran modal kerja untuk mendukung kegiatan transaksi pencairan, pengangsuran, pelunasan, perpanjangan, dan pembayaran all product di unit kerjanya;
- Melaksanakan pencatatan kas buka dan kas tutup, serta menjaga saldo kas yang balance dan memenuhi prinsip accountable;
- Melaksanakan kegiatan lelang berupa entry data dan penerimaan hasil lelang;
- Menyusun laporan sesuai ruang lingkup dan bidang tugasnya;
- Melakukan cross selling terhadap produk Pegadaian;
- Menyelesaikan tugas-tugas lainnya yang diberikan oleh atasan.
Minimum Qualifications
- Pendidikan Minimal SMA
- Memiliki pengalaman dibidang kasir minimal 1 (satu) tahun
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun per tanggal 21 April 2022
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja yang berada dilingkungan Kanwil VII Denpasar (Area Denpasar 1, Area Denpasar 2, Area Ampenan, Area Kupang, Area Ende dan Area Dompu)
- Komunikatif (mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif).
- Dapat bekerja dalam team maupun bekerja mandiri, memiliki integritas yang baik dan teliti.
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer menggunakan Microsoft Office
- Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna
Kelengkapan Berkas Administrasi :
- Identitas Diri (KTP)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) terbaru
- SKCK yang masih berlaku
- Foto Seluruh Badan
- Ijazah Pendidikan & Transkip Nilai pendidikan terakhir
- Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna
- Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba yang masih berlaku
Perks and Benefits
Medical / Health Insurance
Medical, Prescription, Dental, or Vision Plans
Paid Holidays
Required Skills
- Accounts Payable
- Accounting
Jobs Summary
- Job Level
- Entry Level / Junior, Apprentice
- Job Category
- Accounting and Finance
- Educational Requirement
- Graduated from high school
- Recruiter response to application
- Once in a while
- Office Address
- 23C, Jalan Raya Puputan, Denpasar 80235, Indonesia
Feel secure when applying: look for the verified icon and always do your research on a company. Avoid and report situations when employers require payment or work without compensation as part of their application process.
About PT. Pegadaian
As a state-owned enterprise, Pegadaian has a long history which began in the 18th century when Vereenigde Oost Indische Companies (VOC), established Bank Van Leening, a credit institution extending on pawning system. Then the Dutch government issued Staadsblad no 131 dated 12th March 1901 that principally govern that establishment of pawnshop was monopolized and only government runs such business. In accordance with this law, the first state pawn shop was established in Sukabumi (West Java) on 1st April 1901.Thus, each 1st April is the anniversary of Pegadaian.
Now, Pegadaian has transformed as a business entity which not only gives loans based on pawn but also other profitable business Until the end of 2020 there are more than 4000 Pegadaian branches spread across the Indonesian archipelago. The logo of Pegadaian the scales of justice. Pegadaian's motto is 'overcoming problems without problems'. Pegadaian have more than 1,6 Million customer and more than 14.000 employees. As a state-owned enterprise besides acting as business entity, Pegadaian also has an obligation to support government program in the effort to increase mid to low class society welfare through main activity of pawning credit distribution. This activities make Pegadaian a unique business entity. Conventional model of Pegadaian has operated since 1901. The first branch office in Sukabumi, west Java.
Since 2018 Pegadaian transformation into Digital Financial Company. The journey of Pegadaian's transformation, which is currently + 2 years old, is felt to have contributed a lot to Pegadaian, both in terms of business cooperation with fintech companies, changes in mindset, changes in working methods as well as improvements in organizational governance that are not only in accordance with applicable standards but also lead to in the creation of an agile organization.