Job Description
- Bekerja sama dengan tim untuk membuat proyek baru serta menetapkan, melacak, dan mengukur kemajuan program yang sesuai dengan strategi FIFGroup
- Memberikan konsultasi internal kepada semua pemangku kepentingan dan fungsi
- Menangani evaluasi bisnis dan riset
- Mendukung kepala departemen dalam strategi dan perencanaan bisnis
- Menyediakan dokumentasi dan laporan PDCA yang terstandarisasi
- Collaborate with teams to create new projects and set, track, and measure progress of goals in support of FIFGroup strategy
- Provide internal consultancy to all stakeholders and functions
- Handle business evaluation and research
- Support head of department in strategy and business plan
- Provide standardize documentation and PDCA report
Minimum Qualifications
- Sarjana dari jurusan Statistik, Ekonomi, Teknik, Bisnis, atau jurusan terkait dengan IPK minimum 3.00
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dalam lingkungan yang dinamis dan bergerak cepat
- Memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan yang sangat baik
- Memiliki kemampuan berpikir strategis, keterampilan PDCA, dan keterampilan interpersonal yang baik
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam perencanaan bisnis atau korporat akan lebih disukai
- Pernah mengikuti bootcamp/pelatihan terkait teknologi merupakan nilai tambah
- Bachelor’s degree from Statistics, Economy, Engineering, Business, or related major with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Able to perform under pressure in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
- Excellent problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Exceptional strategic thinking, PDCA skills, and interpersonal skills
- Have 1 year experience in business or corporate planning is preferable
- Have participated in tech-related bootcamp/training is a plus
Jobs Summary
- Job Level
- Entry Level / Junior, Apprentice
- Job Category
- Management and Consultancy
- Educational Requirement
- Bachelor's degree graduate
- Recruiter response to application
- Sometimes
- Office Address
- Menara FIF (Head Office) Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 15 Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12440
FIFGROUP, a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk, was established in 1989 and operates in the consumer financing sector. Their primary focus is financing Honda motorcycles through FIFASTRA. Additionally, they offer electronics and furniture financing through SPEKTRA, and multipurpose financing through DANASTRA. AMITRA provides financing for Haji, Umrah, and other Sharia services. FIFGROUP's vision is to become the best financing company in Indonesia, with a mission to deliver superior financial solutions and customer satisfaction.